Documents and Strategies

– Portugal Biotech Study

O Study “Portugal Biotech: trends, opportunities and challenges in the Biotechnology sector in Portugal” launched in late 2021, was developed under (Portuguese biological data infrastructure) resulting from a broader and more complete analysis of an initial study on the Portuguese Biotechnology Industry, launched by P-BIO in 2016. Analysis.

of the biotechnology sector in Portugal:

BioHealth Strategy 2030

What should be the strategic objectives of this bet? Where do we want to be in 5 or 10 years? We want Portugal to become an international Hub for Health R&DT and to position itself as the European factory for products for the Health vertical and products with high added value such as drugs, new molecules and medical devices, following a challenge from Commissioner Stella Kyriakides before the PE12. Following a methodology already used by Porto Business School in a 2014 proposal13, the goal for 2030 should be to significantly increase the weight of this sector in GDP and have concrete and measurable targets:

The creation of a Thematic Operational Program Bio-Health 2030 (immediately with the reprogramming of PT2020), should contemplate 2 major axes within the cluster: Portugal an R&DT Hub and Portugal the factory of Europe: