
Advantages that P-BIO offers to its Members:

  • P-BIO is the only representative Association of Biotechnology and Life of Sciences sector in Portugal
  • Promotion of the sector through media
  • Organization of meetings, events and webinars to discuss issues of relevance to the sector
  • Business mentoring and networking in Life Sciences and Biotechnology
  • Connection with national and international investors
  • Presentation and promotion of legislative proposals relevant to the sector
  • Active participation in forums to defend the sector’s intrests
  • Publication of documents and technical and economic studies about the sector
  • Contact point with European and international Associations
  • Discounts for participation in international events and fairs related to Biotechnology and Life Sciences
  • Weekly clipping of contents (news, webinars and events) relevant about the sector

How to become a Member:

The application for admission is made by completing and sending the Membership Form  and the requested documentation to

The membership admission is Board Directors’ responsibility and only becomes valid and effective after their deliberation.

Who can be Member:

P-BIO accepts as members the entities dedicated to R&D, production, marketing and/or commercialization of biotechnology products or services, or that directly or indirectly contribute to the development of the Portuguese biotechnology sector, within one of the following categories:

Companies: only companies with autonomous legal personality are admitted; hence, the admission of centres, departments, laboratories, branches, dependencies, etc., which do not have a legal status (i.e., do not have their own tax identification number, distinct from the organization to which they belong) cannot be considered as full members. The certification is done by presenting the copy of the commercial registration or, for national companies, by providing the code of the permanent certificate for consultation on the website

Asset Management Companies: regulated asset management entities whose object is the management of investment funds or direct investment in biotechnology companies based in Portugal are admitted as members, provided that they have a representative structure in national territory and are endowed with their own legal personality. The certification is done by presenting the copy of the commercial registration or providing the code of the permanent certificate for consultation on the website and registration with the CMVM.

Other Entities: other relevant actors of the national Innovation System are admitted, including those that, directly or indirectly, contribute to the national biotechnology sector, including Universities, Research Institutes, Scientific Associations, Foundations, Technology Transfer Offices, etc., provided they are endowed with their own legal personality.

Admission of individual members is not allowed.

Membership fees

The membership fee for Companies is determined by “Total Income” or “Total Assets”, using the indicator that corresponds to the highest share, according to Table 1. Companies that hold at least one marketing authorization (national or international) cannot be considered in Level 1.

The membership fee for Asset Management Companies is determined by “Total Assets under management”, according to Table 1.

Members classified in the category Other Entities enjoy a single level, according to Table 1.

Table 1. P-BIO Annual Membership Fees